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Lanuage Access Plan 

1.      Identifying Limited English Proficient (LEP) Individuals who need Language Assistance Considerations Service Area: Sedgewickville Fire Protection District

·         Number of Proportion of LEP Persons: 99.8% of LEP persons speak English only or speak English “very well” and other languages 0.2%.

·         Languages Encounter Most Frequently at Points of Contact: emergency scenes and public education events.

·         Nature and importance of program/activity/services: Emergency services are urgent and dynamic and are often life and death situations. Public education events are not urgent services and accommodations can be made upon request.

·         Resources available: iPhone/Android apps such as Google Translate, I Translate, Bravo Lo, Yo Dao.

2.      Language Assistance Measures and Available Resources Considerations

·         Types of language services available: telephonic interpretation, in person translation and translation of written materials;

·         How staff can obtain those services: locate the telephonic app and download to cellular phone;

·         How to respond to LEP callers: Use online translation services;

·         How to respond to LEP individuals who have in-person contact with recipient staff: Use online translation services;

·         How to ensure competency of interpreters and translation services: use resources that have been recommended by reputable agencies

3.      Distribution of Plan and Training for Staff

·         Staff will receive annual training on the Language Access Plan as part of the discrimination training presented through our in-service/in house training platform.

4.      Providing Notice to our LEP Persons

·         Our discrimination policy, which includes contact information, is available on our website and in print format at our station.

5.      Monitoring, Assessing and Updating the LAP

·         The plan and its elements will be reviewed and updated, if necessary, each year before distribution to the District membership for annual training by Office Staff.

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